Soldamatic’s installation
Installation of a single unit
1. Connect both Wifi antennas to Wifi receptacles on the simulator.

NOTE: The simulator generates its own Access Point. The default network configuration for an individual unit corresponds to the serial number of the equipment, e.g. ESS40084. You can enable/disable the Access Point in the configuration menu for other connection options.
2. Connect the simulator to the power supply.
3. Turn the power button to the ON position.
4. Connect the Soldamatic USB stick (supplied in the pack) to your simulator to install the software licence.

NOTE: For more information about Soldamatic licenses, please contact your sales representative.
5. Turn on your simulator by pressing the power button on the front panel.

6. Information about the licence you are going to install will appear. Click «Accept».
7. After accepting the licence you will see a QR code to scan with your mobile phone which will send you to the Partner Area. Register the product and enter the pin code provided in the simulator to complete the process. Click Ok.

8. The first time you use your Soldamatic, the following configuration screens will appear. Set your time zone, language and welding standards.
Augmented Lab’s installation: server on premise
If you have more than one simulator and you want to set up a Lab by connecting all simulators to the same physical server, you have three options
- Soldamatic Network
- Local network:
- Ethernet
- Wi-Fi
- Local network:
- Soldamatic Network
Augmented Lab installation: server on premise – Soldamatic Network

IMPORTANT: Before starting the installation make sure that you have all the needed tools to perform it: simulators, server, ethernet cables, pc/laptop with Soldamatic e-learning installed, keyboard, router.
1. Install all the simulators individually. For further help, take a look to the “ Installation of a single unit” section.
2. Connect the server to the power supply (rear panel) and turn the power switch button (rear panel) to the ON position.

3. Switch on the server. Use the Switch button on the front panel.

4. Connect the router to the power supply. We recommend you to place it less than 1 meter away from the server.

5. Place one end of the Ethernet cable to the orange port of the router and the other end to the lower Ethernet port in the rear panel of the server.
6. To connect all the simulators to the Soldamatic network, follow these steps in each simulator:
- Connect an USB keyboard to the simulator and press CTRL + ALT + F4 and the following screen will appear.

- Type option 6 «Connects to Wi-Fi network».
- A list of all available Wi-Fi networks will appear, select SOLDAMATIC.
- Restart the simulator.
IMPORTANT: Remember to perform previous actions in all the simulators you want to be connected to the physical server.
- Check that they all have connected correctly to the server: the IP must be now 10.0.0.X (the X refers to the last digit, which will be different for each simulator). If this is not the case, redo all the previous steps.
7. Finally, you need to configure your Augmented Lab, that is, to synchronize all the simulators with the server. To do so, you need your Soldamatic e-learning Teacher access. See section Teacher’s access to access Soldamatic e-Learning.
- Once in Soldamatic e-Learning, access to the Settings section in the top bar. There you will see this menu:

- Select Augmented Lab Configuration.
- In the following screen you can choose one of the simulators listed or add one or more.

- You must enter the IP Address that appears in the Soldamatic simulator you want to add. (The window that will appear will be different if you access e-learning from the web).

- Now your Soldamatic simulators are linked to your server.

You have successfully configured your Augmented Lab.
Augmented Lab installation: server on premise – Local Network
Ethernet cable
IMPORTANT: Before starting the installation make sure that you have all the needed tools to perform it: simulators, server, ethernet cables, pc/laptop with Soldamatic e-learning installed, keyboard, router.
1. Install all the simulators individually. For further help, take a look to the “ Installation of a single unit” section.
2. Connect the server to the power supply (rear panel) and turn the power switch button (rear panel) to the ON position.

3. Switch on the server. Use the Switch button on the front panel.
4. Connect the server to the local network using an ethernet cable. You have to connect the cable to the server’s «internet port» (the one above).
5. Connect all simulators to the same network as the server, to do so: see How to connect Soldamatic to a local network? > Ethernet cable section.
6. Once you have all your simulators connected to the same network check that all the simulators are have the same IP address as the server.
7. Finally, you need to configure your Augmented Lab, that is, to synchronize all the simulators with the server. To do so, you need your Soldamatic e-learning Teacher’s access. See section Teacher’s access to access Soldamatic e-Learning.
- Once in Soldamatic e-Learning, access to the Settings section in the top bar. There you will see this menu:

- Select Augmented Lab Configuration.
- In the following screen you can choose one of the simulators listed or add one or more.

- You must enter the IP Address that appears in the Soldamatic simulator you want to add. (The window that will appear will be different if you access e-learning from the web).

Now your Soldamatic simulators are linked to your server.
IMPORTANT: Before starting the installation make sure that you have all the needed tools to perform it: simulators, server, ethernet cables, pc/laptop with Soldamatic e-learning installed, keyboard, router.
1. Install all the simulators individually. For further help, take a look to the “ Installation of a single unit” section.
2. Connect the server to the power supply (rear panel) and turn the power switch button (rear panel) to the ON position.

3. Switch on the server. Use the Switch button on the front panel.
4. Connect the server to the local network using an ethernet cable.
5. Connect the server to a screen so that you can see the IP information to which it is connected.
6. Connect all simulators to the same network as the server, to do so: see How to connect Soldamatic to a local network? Ethernet cable section.
7. Once you have all your simulators connected to the same network. You will check that they have connected correctly to the server if you see that the simulators’ Wi-Fi network information has changed and is now 10.0.0.X (the X refers to the last digit, which will be different for each simulator). If this is not the case, redo all the steps from the beginning again.
8. Finally, you need to configure your Augmented Lab, that is, to synchronize all the simulators with the server. To do so, you need your Soldamatic e-learning Teacher access. See section Teacher’s access to access Soldamatic e-Learning.
- Once in Soldamatic e-Learning, access to the Settings section in the top bar. There you will see this menu:

- Select Augmented Lab Configuration.
- In the following screen you can choose one of the simulators listed or add one or more.

- You must enter the IP Address that appears in the Soldamatic simulator you want to add. (The window that will appear will be different if you access e-learning from the web).

- Now your Soldamatic simulators are linked to your server.
You have successfully configured your Augmented Lab.
Augmented Lab’s installation: cloud server

If you have more than one simulator and you want to set up a classroom by connecting all simulators to the same cloud server, follow the steps below:
1. Make sure you have all your equipment installed individually beforehand. See Single unit installation.
2. Connect each simulator to the Internet. See How to connect Soldamatic to a local network?
3. Log in to Soldamatic e-Learning with the option of cloud.
4. Go to Augmented Lab Configuration.
Robotics’ installation
In order to connect your robot with Soldamatic, it is important that you understand how the communication between the Robot and Soldamatic work. Below you can see an overview of the whole solution, where Soldamatic and robot can be connected using different communication protocols such as Ethernet/IP, Profibus or Modbus, and where real element such as teach pendant or the robot are used.

In general, Master/slave is a model of asymmetric communication where one device (the «master») controls one or more other devices (the «slaves») and serves as their communication hub. In our case, Soldamatic works as slave, and robot is the master.
Additionally, in order to connect any robot with Soldamatic, you must be assisted by any robot expert, however if you don’t have any, please do not hesitate to contact our technical support team and they will try to support you during the process.
The connection between the Robot and Soldamatic can be established in several ways, we recommend connecting both equipment directly each other with an ethernet cable (Ethernet/IP, Modbus, RTDE, Profinet, etc..) and setting both devices with static IP address in the same range.
Robot Connection
I/O data mapping
The I/O mapping signals are shown below. Remember that depending on the signal configuration of your robot, the position of these signals may vary. Ask your robot expert to find out where to set the signals for AR welding with Soldamatic.

Soldamatic configuration
IMPORTANT: The ABB Robot is the master of this system.
Connect the Ethernet cable from the rear panel of Soldamatic to the robot ethernet port, and then set a static IP address in Soldamatic (see What to do if I need to configure a new static IP address to connect Soldamatic to a Robot?).
We recommend that you ask the robot operator expert or IT manager to provide you with the correct IP address, netmask and gateway.
Now, open e-Learning web access, enter to configuration menu and select the Robot and protocol we are going to use from the drop-down menu.

Now it is necessary to restart Soldamatic to apply the changes and once it is turned on, the communication protocol has been already established.
Robot configuration
Find below where you should connect the Ethernet cable. Please ask the robot expert where you should connect the ethernet cable.

- X2 (SERVICE PORT): is available to connect your laptop to the robot and work with RobotStudio.
- LAN 2: private robot network.
- LAN 3: it can be configured as an isolated network or as the robot’s private network..
- WAN: it can be connected to the industrial public network, it is the one that allows us to put the robot in network (We use this).
NOTE: If you have problems connecting to a common network, you should contact the person responsible for IT in your company to get the necessary permissions.
After having connected both (Soldamatic and Robot) to the network, you must follow the configuration steps in the ABB Robot’s Teach Pendant.
Before you start the configuration, make sure you have installed Robot Studio last version in your laptop. If not, please download this Software from the ABB website and install it in your laptop.
In addition, you will need to make sure you have the following software option installed on your IRC. If not, please contact your ABB contact person to get them for you.
- 841-1 EthernetIP Scanner/Adapter
- ArcWare
- 616-1 Pc Interface
Once you have all the software option installed, please proceed as follows:
a. Port configuration: we must configurate Robot IP and subnet (for example IP: and Subnet: Interface option will depend on the ethernet port (X2, LAN2, LAN3 or WAN) you have used before.

b. EthernetIP Bus configuration: Select I/O system, then Industrial network, and finally configurate the ethernetIP bus.

c. Soldamatic Slave configuration:

- Once we have configurated the EthernetIP bus, we must create a new Ethernet/IP device and fill in with Soldamatic values. In the address option, please write Soldamatic IP address you have previously configurated.

- Finally, define new I/O digital signals. Just remember, ABB digital I/O mapping start from 0.

- For example: DO StartWeldingt bit 0.

- For example: Group output for JOBS (bites 16-23).

You must configure all the I/O signals shown in the I/O mapping section
Testing connection
It is convenient to perform a test to check that the communication between Soldamatic and the Robot is correct. See how to do it in Testing connection section.
I/O data mapping
The I/O mapping signals are shown below. Remember that depending on the signal configuration of your robot, the position of these signals may vary. Ask your robot expert to find out where to set the signals for AR welding with Soldamatic.
In the case of Comau, we currently have 2 ways to communicate with Soldamatic, profibus and Ethernet/IP.
1. Comau_profibus I/O mapping:

2. Comau_ethernet I/O mapping:

Soldamatic configuration
IMPORTANT: The COMAU Robot is the master of this system.
Connect a profibus cable or an Ethernet cable from the rear panel of Soldamatic to the robot ethernet port, and then, in case of an ethernet/IP connection, please set a static IP address in Soldamatic (see What to do if I need to configure a new static IP address to connect Soldamatic to a Robot?).
The connection could be also through the Profibus communication protocol, which is configured in Soldamatic. To establish the connection with the COMAU Robot, it must have the Fronius_TPS 500i program installed in its controller. The integration is very simple, we only must connect a profibus cable to the robot controller and take it to the profibus input of the Soldamatic rear panel.
Now, open e-Learning web access, enter to configuration menu and select the Robot and protocol we are going to use from the drop-down menu.

Now it is necessary to restart Soldamatic to apply the changes, and once it is turned on, the communication protocol has been already established.
Robot configuration
1. Profibus: Access the Robot’s teach pendant desktop and follow the steps below:
1. Select Display.

2. Open the device folder.

3. The Profibus program folder will open where the FRONIUS_TPS500i program should be located.

If the lights are green, the communication with Soldamatic is correct. However, if the lights are red, the communication has not been established correctly. In this case, you will have to start again.
NOTE: If the problem persists, you should contact Seabery Technical Support.
2. Ethernet/IP.
NOTE: In order to configurate the robot with ethernet IP, please contact with COMAU expert and follow their guide in their academy website.
Testing connection
It is convenient to perform a test to check that the communication between Soldamatic and the Robot is correct. See how to do it in Testing connection section.
I/O data mapping
The I/O mapping signals are shown below. Remember that depending on the signal configuration of your robot, the position of these signals may vary. Ask your robot expert to find out where to set the signals for AR welding with Soldamatic.

Soldamatic configuration
IMPORTANT: The Fanuc Robot is the master of this system.
Connect the Ethernet cable from the rear panel of Soldamatic to the robot ethernet port, and then set a static IP address in Soldamatic (see What to do if I need to configure a new static IP address to connect Soldamatic to a Robot?).
We recommend that you ask the robot operator expert or IT manager to provide you with the correct IP address, netmask and gateway.
Now, open e-Learning web access, enter to configuration menu and select the Robot and protocol we are going to use from the drop-down menu.

Now it is necessary to restart Soldamatic to apply the changes and once it is turned on, the communication protocol has been already established.
Robot configuration
Connect the Fanuc Robot to the same network as Soldamatic using an Ethernet cable. Remember to follow the manufacturer’s instructions on where to connect this cable.

NOTE: If you have problems connecting to a common network, you should contact the person responsible for IT in your company to get the necessary permissions.
After having connected both (Soldamatic and Robot) to the network, you must follow the configuration steps in the Fanuc Robot’s Teach Pendant.
1. Press the MENU button on the Teach Pendant. You can do this from any screen.

2. In the configuration menu, select the option 5. I/O and then Ethernet IP.

3. Press the CONFIG option to enter the Soldamatic configuration menu. Choose the slot configured to Ethernet IP.

4. You must enter the following data.

5. Before enabling communication, you can do a test by pressing the PING option in the menu to check that Soldamatic and Robot are connected to the same network and can communicate with each other.
6. Finally, enable communication and review Status is «Running»

Testing connection
It is convenient to perform a test to check that the communication between Soldamatic and the Robot is correct. See how to do it in Testing connection section
I/O data mapping
The I/O mapping signals are shown below. Remember that depending on the signal configuration of your robot, the position of these signals may vary. Ask your robot expert to find out where to set the signals for AR welding with Soldamatic.

Soldamatic configuration
IMPORTANT: The Kuka Robot is the master of this system.
Connect the Ethernet cable from the rear panel of Soldamatic to the robot ethernet port, and then set a static IP address in Soldamatic (see What to do if I need to configure a new static IP address to connect Soldamatic to a Robot?).
We recommend that you ask the robot operator expert or IT manager to provide you with the correct IP address, netmask and gateway.
Now, open e-Learning web access, enter to configuration menu and select the Robot and protocol we are going to use from the drop-down menu

Now it is necessary to restart Soldamatic to apply the changes and once it is turned on, the communication protocol has been already established.
Robot configuration
Connect the Kuka Robot to the same network as Soldamatic using an Ethernet cable. Remember to follow the manufacturer’s instructions on where to connect this cable.

NOTE: If you have problems connecting to a common network, you should contact the person responsible for IT in your company to get the necessary permissions.
After having connected both (Soldamatic and Robot) to the network, you must follow the configuration steps on the Workvisual software.
Before starting the configuration, make sure you have installed the Workvisual software and the following option packages on your KRC.
- Kuka ArcTech Basic.
- KRC4 EthernetIP.
If you do not have these packages installed, please contact your Kuka contact person to get them for you.
1. Once you have installed the option packages mentioned above, open a new project and save it to start working.

2. Add Soldamatic device with EthernetIP communication. Drag the «Soldamatic_EthernetIP» device available in the KOP «SOLDAMATIC_ATW_KSS8x» and drop it into the tree structure of the controller in the WorkVisual project.

For more information on the installation and management of option packages, please refer to the specific WorkVisual software documentation.
3. Check device and robot IP. The options package configures the Ethernet device with the default IPs:
- Kuka master EthernetIP:
- Soldamatic Slave EthernetIP:

4. Synchronise local project with the controller. Press the «Deploy» quick button (1), select the control cabinet where you want to load the modified project (2) and press «Finish» (3).

After restarting the robot, it is ready for basic communication with the Soldamatic equipment.
Testing connection
It is convenient to perform a test to check that the communication between Soldamatic and the Robot is correct. See how to do it in Testing connection section.
Additionally, if you go to Menu, then I/O and then Digital, you can test changing any digital input or output.
Universal Robot
I/O data mapping
In the case of Universal robot communication, we currently have 2 ways to communicate with Soldamatic, RTDE and Modbus.
1. RTDE: We can only have 8 digital signals available on UR. The communication signals between Soldamatic and the robot are as follows:

2. MODBUS: Digital signals must be configurated by the operator in the robot teach pendant. The signals mapping is showed below.

IMPORTANT: Modbus configuration has to work as a client, no as a Master.
Soldamatic configuration
Connect the Ethernet cable from the rear panel of Soldamatic to the robot ethernet port, and then set a static IP address in Soldamatic (see What to do if I need to configure a new static IP address to connect Soldamatic to a Robot?).

We recommend that you ask the robot operator expert or IT manager to provide you with the correct IP address, netmask and gateway.
Now, open e-Learning web access, enter to configuration menu and select the Robot and protocol we are going to use from the drop-down menu.

Now it is necessary to restart Soldamatic to apply the changes and once it is turned on, the communication protocol has been already established.
Now, in the case of RTDE connexion, you must configurate Universal robot IP address in Soldamatic.
a. Connect a USB keyboard QWERTY to the rear panel of Soldamatic. Go to the support menu in your Soldamatic pressing CTRL+ALT+F4 command. Select option 22 Universal Robot – Configurate Robot IP.

b. Select option 2 “Connect to custom IP and enter IP of the robot.
c. Restart Soldamatic.

Robot configuration
IMPORTANT: CB2 version doesn’t allow connection. You need at least CB3 version or superior.

The protocol used for the communication between Soldamatic, and Universal Robot is either Modbus or RTDE. It is mandatory to disable all the protocols that will not be used for the communication. In the section Installation of the teach pendant, make sure that all the protocols are disabled. The communication could be established with a static IP and DHCP, but we recommend with static IP.
NOTE: If you have problems connecting to a common network, you should contact the person responsible for IT in your company to get the necessary permissions.
After having connected both (Soldamatic and Robot) to the network, you must follow the configuration steps in the Universal Robot Robot’s Teach Pendant.
1. RTDE setup
a. Press the SETTING button on the right corner and then press network.

b. Select static Address and configure your IP address, subnet mask and default gateway.

c. Press Apply and restart the robot to save the changes.
d. Lastly, go to I/O and that Digital out number 7 is activated.
2. Modbus setup
a. Press Installation option on the left corner, then press fieldbus and Modbus, and finally add a Modbus unit (Soldamatic).

b. Insert Soldamatic’s static IP Address and configure all digital outputs & inputs signals showed above.

c. Press Apply and restart the robot to save the changes.
Testing connection
It is convenient to check that the communication between Soldamatic and the Robot is correct. See how to do it in Testing connection section.
I/O data mapping
The I/O mapping signals are shown below. Remember that depending on the signal configuration of your robot, the position of these signals may vary. Ask your robot expert to find out where to set the signals for AR welding with Soldamatic.

Soldamatic configuration
NOTE: The Yaskawa Robot is the master of this system.
Connect the Ethernet cable from the rear panel of Soldamatic to the robot ethernet port, and then set a static IP address in Soldamatic (see What to do if I need to configure a new static IP address to connect Soldamatic to a Robot?).
We recommend that you ask the robot operator expert or IT manager to provide you with the correct IP address, netmask and gateway.
Now, open e-Learning web access, enter to configuration menu and select the Robot and protocol we are going to use from the drop-down menu.

Now it is necessary to restart Soldamatic to apply the changes and once it is turned on, the communication protocol has been already established.
Robot configuration
Connect the Yaskawa Robot to the same network as Soldamatic using an Ethernet cable. Remember to follow the manufacturer’s instructions on where to connect this cable.

NOTE: If you have problems connecting to a common network, you should contact the person responsible for IT in your company to get the necessary permissions.
After having connected both (Soldamatic and Robot) to the network, you must follow the configuration steps in the Yaskawa Robot’s Teach Pendant.
Before starting the configuration between Soldamatic and the Yaskawa robot, it is important to check that the Yaskawa controller meets the following requirements:
- 177316_Funktion YRC1000 ARC-Bus Basic
- 178432_Funktion YRC1000 CIO-ARC Fronius-Profinet.
- 181508_Fkt YRC1000 Ethernet-IP – CPU Board.
You can check these requirements on the Teach Pendant.
NOTE: If these requirements are not met, the connection between Soldamatic and Yaskawa cannot be made.
To establish the communication between Soldamatic and the Yaskawa robot, you must configure the following parameters in the SCANNER part of the ETHERNET IP/CPU:

NOTE: If you need EDS files and configuration manuals for DX200, YRC1000 or YRC1000 micro controllers, please contact the Seabery technical team or the manufacturer directly.
Testing connection
It is convenient to perform a test to check that the communication between Soldamatic and the Robot is correct. See how to do it in Testing connection section.
I/O data mapping
The I/O mapping signals are shown below. Remember that depending on the signal configuration of your robot, the position of these signals may vary. Ask your robot expert to find out where to set the signals for AR welding with Soldamatic.

Soldamatic configuration
Connect the Ethernet cable from the rear panel of Soldamatic to the robot ethernet port, and then set a static IP address in Soldamatic (see What to do if I need to configure a new static IP address to connect Soldamatic to a Robot?).
Now, open e-Learning web access, enter to configuration menu and select the Robot and protocol we are going to use from the drop-down menu.

Robot configuration
The protocol used for the communication between Soldamatic, and Doosan is Modbus.
NOTE: If you want to connect both units (robot and Soldamatic) using a common network, you should contact the person responsible for IT in your company to get the necessary permissions. I have recommended you connecting both devices each other with an ethernet cable.
After having connected both (Soldamatic and Robot) to each other, you must follow the configuration steps in the Doosan Robot’s Teach Pendant.
1. Once you are in the main screen, please select setting:

2. Then, press Network to create the new Modbus unit.

3. Then, insert the IP address of Soldamatic and port (502).

4. Now, insert all the signals showed above.

5. Finally, press set and restart the robot to save the changes.
Testing connection
It is convenient to perform a test to check that the communication between Soldamatic and the Robot is correct. See how to do it in Testing connection section.
Testing connection
Once you have finished all the previous steps, and you have rebooted both equipment to save all the changes, you should see the following messages in the home menu.
1. If the setup was done correctly and there is connection between the robot and Soldamatic:

You should read «Robot connection is established successfully» and the robot icon on the down left corner is green.
2. If the setup was done incorrectly and there is NO communication between the robot and Soldamatic:

You should read «there is currently no connection with Robot» and the robot icon on the down left corner is red. If this is the case, please check Soldamatic and robot configuration.
Also, while performing the AR exercise, you would see if there were communication or not.