What do I do if the buttons on the front panel do not work?
In the Settings menu click on Check front panel. In this section you can check all the buttons on the front panel of the unit. The following screen will appear:

We will have to press the button on the front panel that corresponds to the ones shown on the screen to verify that it is working correctly. If so, it will be marked in green. If this does not happen, contact our Technical Support.
What do I do if the coupon or the torch is not detected?
If you have started an exercise and the coupon or torch is not detected properly:
1. It may be necessary to adjust the intensity of the helmet light using the buttons on the front panel.
2. If still not working, press the Settings button on the front panel and the Camera Setup menu will appear in the lower left corner of the screen. Repeat the light calibration process by selecting the Start Lighting Calibration Process option. Remember How to perform the light calibration process.
The piece must be seen without any object in the middle of the scene (torches, hands…) and the image must be as centred as possible.

5. If Augmented Reality works correctly, press Cancel to apply the changes and exit.
6. If none of the intensity or temperature combinations work, press the Settings button once more. We need to customize several camera parameters to suit our lighting conditions.
7. Select Intensity and press Ok. A new setting will appear. Modify the different presets until the image improves.

8. Select Temperature and press Ok. A new setting will appear. Modify the different presets until the image improves.

9. Select one parameter or another with the up/down buttons and modify them with the left or right navigation buttons to adjust them while holding the mask and looking at the coupon. All parameters may need to be adjusted. We have to find the ideal values by trial and error and press Save Custom.
It is not possible to suggest any calibration values for better detection, as they must be adjusted in relation to Soldamatic’s location.
You can modify the light settings during a welding practice by pressing the settings button.
How can I verify that the mask cameras are OK?
In the Settings menu we have available the button «Check cameras», here we can verify that the left and right cameras are working correctly. Once you select this option you will see two screens corresponding to both cameras, as shown in the image:

We will see that there is an image on the left and on the right. In addition, the current intensity and temperature values will be displayed, but you can change them if you wish.
If you cannot see either or both images, contact our technical support team.
When should I configure the cameras?
It is appropriate to configure the cameras if any of the following situations occur:
- The images of the cameras are interchanged. That is, you see on the Left what you should see on the Right (the position is determined from the point of view of the person wearing the mask). If this happens, select «Switch position of the cameras». This option will swap the left and right cameras.
- Either the left or right camera are turned. It may have been flipped for some reason, for example, due to a bump or the mask falling off. In this case select «Rotate camera view left or right 180°» until the correct orientation is found.

Click on Apply and the camera check screen will be display.

This action will adjust the video device settings (temperature and intensity) according to the lighting conditions of the room where the simulator is located.
This light influences the detection of the coupons and other elements so that we have a good experience in augmented reality.
Click on next and you will see the Auto focus option for cameras. You will need to enter there if you have lost sharpness in the image due to the use of the simulator.
Click on next and you will see the Cameras calibration. You will need to enter there if you are experiencing detection issues on the coupon or on the torch.
The electrode is consuming at an unusual rate
During an exercise in SMAW or MMA you may notice that the electrode rod burns too fast or too slow. Sometimes the predefined consumption rate is affected by use and needs to be recalibrated. It is very simple. You will see this screen:

Follow the steps indicated on it:
1. Place the electrode in the Start position.
2. Select the option «Start measurement 1»
3. When the electrode reaches its end position, press OK.
4. Repeat the calibration for all six samples.
Once finished, select the option «Save calibration data».
If you only want to check that the electrode retraction is working correctly, select the option «Test retraction ratio». If you want to manually change the electrode retraction rate, use the «Increase/Decrease Scaling Factor» options. The rate can range from 80% to 120%.
How can I connect to the Remote Assistance?
Remote connection can only be activated upon request from our support team.
Activation of the remote assistance in a Simulator:
The simulator must be connected to the Internet. You can connect it via Ethernet or wifi.
- Ethernet
Connect one end of the Ethernet cable to the Ethernet port located in the rear panel of the simulator (the one which is not covered. It is represented with the number 7 in the picture below).
- Ethernet

Check the connection status in the main menu.

- Wifi
Before connecting your unit to the Internet via Wifi, you must disable the Access Point. This option is available in the System menu:
- Wifi

After the Access Point has been disabled, we would need to connect an external USB keyboard to our simulator and press Ctrl+Alt+F4, to have access to the Soldamatic internal menu:

Type option 6 «Connects to wifi network».

A list of all available wifi networks will appear. Type in the number of the wifi network you want to connect to and then the password.
- If you have many networks available, press Shift+UpPage Shift+DownPage to view them all and scroll up/down.
Press Ctrl+Alt+F2 once the connection has been established. The new IP address will appear in the main menu.

Once the simulator has Internet connection, acccess the System settings menu and select «Connect to Technical Support». You will get the IP confirmation.

Activation of the remote assistance in a server:
1. Connect the server to a local network using an Ethernet cable. You will also need an external monitor, so please connect it to the server, as well.
2. Turn on the server.
3. If the issue is located on the units, connect the Soldamatic router and turn on the affected units.
4. Connect a keyboard to the server and press CTRL+ALT+F4 at the same time to access the hidden support menu.
5. Select the option number 2 called «Connect to Remote Assistance» and wait for the server confirmation.

Once the incident has been resolved, the technical team will ask us to disconnect the remote assistance by pressing CTRL+C on the keyboard if we have accessed from the support menu, or by selecting the «disconnect connection» option in the Soldamatic «Configuration» menu.
How do I check if my server has been updated?
To check if your server has been updated, you need to connect a monitor and a keyboard to the server. Once connected, press «Ctrl + Alt + f4» and you will find the following menu.

Select: 1. Server info. Once inside, look at the SW version: for example: 5.2.7341

Remember this number. Then, update the server and follow the above steps again. If your server has been updated, you will see that the number has changed, it should now be higher.
How do I setup a static IP address?
If you need to configure a specific IP address for Soldamatic, you will need to connect a keyboard to any USB port, press CTRL + ALT + F4 and select the option «IP Configuration». Then select «Configurate static IP address» and write the required IP address down.
After that, please restart Soldamatic and check if IP address was correctly set up. If not, you must repeat the same steps.
What does JOBs mean?
A Job is the combination of Voltage and Amperage for a given weld.
The instructor has the possibility to create a specific Job with the values he wants to use in a welding exercise.
For example: JOB 35: Voltage 12.8 // WFS: 5.5

Once created, it will be saved in Soldamatic for the student to select it when he/she needs to apply these values.
Does robotic torch need to be calibrated?
In the Settings menu you have available the option «Check camera set», here we can verify that the Robotic cameras are detected and working correctly.

Once you select Robotic option you will see two screens (in the case of the vision module option) and one screen (in the case of Robotic welding torch) corresponding to the cameras, as shown in the image:

What to do if [ERR-CODE] appears when the unit is turned on?
If the following error message has been displayed:
«[ERR-CODE] We have encountered a problem with the system date of your simulator that has crashed the system. To fix it, connect your simulator to the Internet and use the option «Fix Simulator System Date” from the System Settings. You have 30 days to perform this operation before the system crashes».
Go to the section Fix Simulator System Date.
How to configure the Soldamatic AM app to use profile high performance?
Windows 11
Step 1: Open the settings window and follow the route System > Display > Graphics.

Step 2: Make sure to select “Desktop app“ on the “Add an app“ section and click the “Browse“ Button.

Step 3: Here we will need to search and add the Analysis Module to the current list, it’s location will depend on which version of it we are using.
We can find ourselves in three different scenarios:
1. E-Learning Desktop:
- Location: “C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Soldamatic e-Learning Teacher Access\AnalysisModule\bin”.
- Application name: “AnalysisModuleApplication.exe»

2. E-Learning Web Teacher Access:
- Location: “C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Programs\soldamatic-am”.
- Application name: “Soldamatic AM.exe».

3. E-Learning Web Student Access:
- Location: “C:\Program Files\AnalysisModuleApplication\bin”.
- Application name: “AnalysisModuleApplication.exe

Step 4: Once its been added it will now appear on the app list and just by clicking on it and on the “Options“ button three different configuration options will be shown.

Step 5: Finally, choose the “High performance“ option to make use of a dedicated graphics card when executing the AM if there’s one.

Windows 10
Step 1: Open the settings window and follow the route System > Display > Graphics Settings.

Step 2: Make sure to select “Desktop app“ on the “Add an app“ section and click the “Browse“ Button.

Step 3: Here we will need to search and add the Analysis Module to the current list, it’s location will depend on which version of it we are using.
We can find ourselves in three different scenarios:
1. E-Learning Desktop:
- Location: “C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Soldamatic e-Learning Teacher Access\AnalysisModule\bin”.
- Application name: “AnalysisModuleApplication.exe“.

2. E-Learning Web Teacher Access:
- Location: “C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Programs\soldamatic-am”.
- Application name: “Soldamatic AM.exe».

3. E-Learning Web Student Access:
- Location: “C:\Program Files\AnalysisModuleApplication\bin”.
- Application name: “AnalysisModuleApplication.exe
Step 4: Once its been added it will now appear on the app list and just by clicking on it and on the “Options“ button three different configuration options will be shown.

Step 5: Finally, choose the “High performance“ option to make use of a dedicated graphics card when executing the AM if there’s one.